Fall Arrest Pole Hoist System
This two-piece portable system is one of the most versatile systems on the market for confined space, entry/retrieval fall arrest and rescue. When attached to an anchor point, it provides retrieval and fall protection when limited overhead clearance is available. It can also be configured to provide retrieval from horizontal entries. Designed for lifting, lowering and positioning of personnel. Load rating is based on the anchor point.
System winch options pair with the BLOCMAX R1 or R2 units ranging from 15m - 30m unit type 3 rescue winch options available.
Ideal for confined space access & rescue around tanks, silos, reservoirs, sump pits waste water plants.
- Rating: 163 kg
- Lifespan: Lifetime
- Weight: 17kg
- Dimensions: Reference design drawings
- Materials: Galvanized steel
- Safety Standard: EN 795 type A, B and E standard.
- Sku: IN-8008
- Vendor: XTIRPA
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Fall Arrest Pole Hoist System